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Colby said that Kel couldn't fish a rubber ducky out of a bathtub.The challenge boosted everyone's spirits and everyone was in a better mood around camp. At the end of the walk, they found a quiet spot to reflect on their time in the Outback, then threw their idols into the river. Amber picked up the picnic basket and moved toward the table but veered off track; Kucha, once overflowing their bucket, had Alicia pick up their basket and run to their table. However, they had no way of starting a fire as the matches that were in Keith's jacket got wet.

Reporter Abe Leonard geht einer Spur eines rätselhaften Informanten nach und Wells fordert die Verschwörer heraus.Kirkman veranlasst eine fieberhafte Suche nach dem Bioterroristen. Colby finally said something to Keith about how he was contradicting himself from what he said a few days ago.

When they got back to Barramundi, Colby gave everyone their own piece of coral from the reef.

Jerri then went on a run of 6, and her next move opened the door for Keith, who scored 17 in a row. During his vote, Colby said that it was a strategic move that was decided the first week they were there (referring to Kimmi telling them that Debb voted for Jeff at the first Tribal Council). On the last question (Who stated on their Survivor application form that their proudest accomplishment was being on the Dean's list in college for five semesters? Michael and Debb argued about how to start a fire, and Rodger donated extra pages from his Bible to help start it but to no avail.

Michael had experience in construction, so he took the lead (even though Rodger built homes for a living), which annoyed Debb, and Kimmi annoyed Jeff Varner and Debb with her incessant talking. When his tribe asked what happened, he said he got a breath full of smoke and passed out, falling face first into the fire; his hands were completely burnt with skin hanging off. Kirkman bekommt einen Vorgeschmack auf mörderische Politik.Die Veröffentlichung von Therapieaufzeichnungen zieht eine Verfassungskrise um Kirkman und das Weiße Haus nach sich. まず、このドラマをまだ見た事のない方のために、「サバイバー:宿命の大統領」の簡単なあらすじをご紹介しておきます。アメリカの連邦議会議事堂が、テロリストにより爆撃を受け、アメリカの大統領、副大統領はもちろん、そこにいた閣僚全員が死んでしまうという、とんでもない事態が発生。トム・カークマン(キーファー・サザーランド)は、住宅開発長官で、色々な理由があって、連邦議会には参加するなと言われ、「指定生存者」の一人に指名されていました。議会に参加していなかったため … At Ogakor, they waited for information regarding the accident and Jerri thought that it may have something to do with Rodger.The remaining five were excited to receive tree mail that said their loved ones would be involved.
海外ドラマ「サバイバー 宿命の大統領」シーズン2の作品情報。キーファー・サザーランドが主演を務め、アメリカの運命を突如背負うことになった1人の男が、国家転覆を企むテロ集団や複雑に絡み合う陰謀に立ち向かう政界サスペンスドラマ。

Boredom began to set in, as there was nothing to do around camp.At the last reward challenge, the final four had a chance to redeem themselves from past challenges. She chose Amber to come along since she got second place. Alicia discussed voting off Kimmi for their personal issues, but Rodger and Elisabeth entertained the idea of voting Alicia off instead.
Hot coffee/hot chocolate and a boat ride to shore got Alicia to step down after 10 hours and 17 minutes. Survivor: The Australian Outback (also referred to as Survivor: Australia) is the second season of the American CBS competitive reality television series Survivor.Filming took place at Goshen Station, on the bank of the Herbert River (approximately 3 hours south-west of Cairns) in northern Queensland from October 23, 2000, through December 3, …

While Jeff got a vote for being considered weak, it was Debb's bossiness and isolation that cost her as she was voted out.A forest fire inched closer to the Ogakor camp, but the tribe wasn't too concerned as it had to cross the river to reach them. The excessive rains caused the river to become muddy, and most of the fishing hooks were lost. Kirkman bittet Aaron, den Verräter im Weißen Haus auszuräuchern.Als ein Stromausfall die Stadt ins Chaos stürzt, gerät Kirkman mit der Bürgermeisterin der Stadt aneinander.

Nick, Alicia, and Elisabeth thought they would be targeted first for Kucha. However, the turtles in the water were eating the bait instead of the fish, frustrating Elisabeth.After a rough downpour, Michael said that his outlook on life had changed already after 16 days. The second season of the American political drama series Designated Survivor was ordered on May 11, 2017.