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To that end, we are proud to announce that Google Cloud Platform (GCP) has received FedRAMP High authorization to operate (ATO) for 17 products in five cloud regions, and we’ve expanded our existing FedRAMP Moderate authorization to 64 products in 17 cloud regions. With this authorization, we’re demonstrating our commitment to extending the benefit of GCP security to United States federal, state and local government customers. HIPAA. FedRAMP solutions allows federal, state, and local agencies to migrate workloads to the cloud more securely, enabling government to focus on their core mission to deliver modern citizen services. We  build our products with security and data protection as core design principles, and we regularly validate these products against the most rigorous regulatory requirements and standards.  Receiving a FedRAMP High ATO means we can support agency missions that require some of the highest levels of data protection for unclassified workloads. This significantly reduces their costs and barriers for FedRAMP authorization on top of GCP. Achieving FedRAMP High means that both Azure public and Azure Government data centers and services meet the demanding requirements of FedRAMP High, making it easier for more federal agencies to benefit from the cost savings and rigorous security of the Microsoft Commercial Cloud. In the past, hyperscale providers have separated their “govclouds” from their commercial cloud offerings to meet FedRAMP High requirements. By moving to the cloud, agencies can mitigate security risks, reduce operational costs, and stay on top of ever-changing citizen needs.

… If you use Platform as a Service or Software as a Service, there is likely to be a lesser compliance burden.Google is one of the first hyperscale commercial cloud providers to achieve FedRAMP High on a commercial public cloud offering, and is one of the largest providers of FedRAMP services available on the market today. But third-party validation helps! At Google Cloud, we’re committed to providing public sector agencies with technology to help improve citizen services, increase operational effectiveness, and better meet their missions. Certification is bounded by the G Suite (and G Suite for Education), Google Cloud Platform, Google Plus, Google Now, Google Analytics, and Analytics Premium offerings and the data contained or collected by those offerings and specified facilities. FedRAMP (the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program) is a government-wide program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services. Google runs on the same infrastructure that we make available to our customers. Please enter a valid email address.Thanks! This resulted in degraded service offerings, lower service availability, and higher operational cost. We also maintain a Moderate provisional authority to operate (P-ATO) for 64 Google Cloud Platform (GCP) products in 17 regions and a Moderate authority to operate (ATO) for 27 G Suite products.FedRAMP allows for varying levels of inheritance for cloud service providers (CSPs) using FedRAMP-authorized infrastructure, platforms, and services. We can help you meet your technical needs and detect and manage against security risks before they become threats. This initial analysis of control vs. inheritance will ultimately determine how much compliance responsibility you will hold as a CSP. The ISO27001 certificates prove the functional scope of the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard.