DUBUQUE COUNTY SMART PLAN Housing Goals and Objectives 10.3. Key Events Shaping Strategic Action Plan Revision. The Work Group has developed an activities tracking matrix, which allows agencies to chart homeless-related activities under the specific goals and strategies outlined in the Plan noted above. Captured information about youth is used effectively in research and initiatives, including homeless counts and HMIS/HIFIS. Health Centers also provide services that help ensure access to the primary care such as case management, outreach, transportation and interpretive services. 0000035906 00000 n However, in order to maintain chronic homelessness as a priority, the Work Group highlights chronic homelessness in a few different strategies in the new framework. Research projects funded via an NIH grant are traditionally published in scientific journals. Increase affordable housing options appropriate for and accessible to youth. Washington, D.C. 20201 Table 1. You will need to identify the goals and objectives of the program component or intervention you plan to evaluate. When a participant is safe, the Housing Stabilization Plan will focus on homelessness prevention or rapid re-housing goals, the core of the SSVF program. "Abode Services - Ending Homelessness by Assisting Low-income, Un-housed People to Secure Stable, Supportive Housing in Alameda County, California." http://oas.samhsa.gov/BG_documentation_070809_final_psg.pdf, Blueprint for Change: Ending Chronic Homelessness for Persons with Serious Mental Illnesses and/or Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders (SAMHSA), This report was developed to disseminate state-of-the-art information about ending homelessness for people who have mental or addictive disorders. 80% of children, 0 to 5, were regularly screened for development and social emotional concerns. As a case plan goal and objective example, case managers who work with the homeless may have a primary objective of finding housing for clients. Each state, territory, and participating Tribe decides the benefits it will provide and establishes the specific eligibility criteria that must be met to receive financial assistance payments and/or other types of TANF-funded benefits and services. 0000017728 00000 n Evaluation of the Collaborative Initiative to Help End Chronic Homelessness (ASPE). %PDF-1.4 % HHS work in the area of homelessness fits well with the Departments mission and priorities. Long-term goals: Management of depressive symptoms including an increase in ability to choose and utilize coping skills. Short-term goals should be measurable, brief, specific, and small, and measurable (Brems, 2008). Activities include: evaluation, monitoring, planning, policy development, quality assurance, training and research. Journal of Adolescent Health. In order to develop the 2007 Plan, a Strategic Action Plan Subcommittee was formed, consisting of representatives from the various agencies participating in the Secretarys Work Group. A special meeting of the Secretarys Work Group was held in September 2005 on this topic. Examples of Goals and Objectives methadone maintenance therapy). The objective of goal one was to expand the capacity of HHS programs to assist persons experiencing chronic homelessness. How to . While goals encompass general statements about what patients . Learn more. Federally recognized Indian Tribes, Indian Tribes that are not federally recognized and urban Indian organizations are also eligible. In 2010, 105 CalWorks participants have been placed into work experiences. After you make your treatment plan, you'll continue to meet with your therapist to reassess it and make changes as needed. While permanent housing is the ultimate goal, intermediate objectives may be necessary. There are a number of challenges in developing this kind of baseline data, particularly due to the fact that homelessness is a dynamic state; a person may be homeless today but housed tomorrow, thus causing fluidity in the number of program participants experiencing homelessness at any given point in time. Family Violence Prevention and Services Grant Program (FVPS). Indicates what services the funding body is purchasing. The NIH supports a wide range of studies involving homeless populations because of associations between homelessness and many adverse health conditions. (Urban Institute) (1999). Strategy 2.3 Explore ways to maintain program eligibility. The U.S. Conference of Mayors Hunger and Homelessness Survey of 23 cities (2006), report that requests for shelter from homeless families increased by 5% over the previous year, with 59% of the 23 cities reporting an increase. It is generally agreed there are not enough treatment spaces or options available; waiting lists are common. They are leaders in fundraising and advocacy, and serve on one or more of the following Board committees; Fund Development, Administrative, Finance, Marketing and Communications, Nominating, and Audit Committee. Homeless families often fall within these guidelines. You can use the Goal Setting Worksheet and the Weekly Motivator to start planning out your goals. Likewise, there should be a Department-wide approach to measuring the effectiveness of the homeless assistance programs, and of the Departments strategic action plan. Lessons learned from this disaster have led the Department to carefully consider how HHS should prepare for and respond to homelessness and human service needs in future disasters, and how the structure of the Work Group might be used as a tool for future natural disasters. Successful completion of these tasks positivel y impacts _____ _____ _____ all family members; DT can help the family avoid typical impasses and successfully complete its tasks. Broad Community Volunteer Support- More than 800 people from over 100 businesses, churches, and community groups volunteer at our organization annually. primary prevention). 2003 Strategic Action Plan Goal 1: Help eligible, chronically homeless individuals receive health and social services. Quarterly screenings for development delay and social emotional concerns for all children ages 0-5. The Administration for Children and Families oversees a program to support a Protection & Advocacy (P&A) System in each State, Territory, as well as a Native American Consortium, to protect and advocate for persons with developmental disabilities. The population who experiences homelessness is a heterogeneous group, and includes . hb```b``w``c`haab@ !;",a#:zrsm`SN )(X\mWG\L: =l^JP:.1SDN>OKrd According to the 1996 National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients, 34 percent of all persons using homeless services were members of a homeless family (Burt et al 1999), though more recent studies (Shinn, et. Departments of Housing and Urban Development and Health and Human Services. 0000097505 00000 n o Encourage applicants use of grant funds to support community infrastructure development efforts, including expenses for staff associated with partnership activities, incentive funds, and other funding mechanisms that can support infrastructure development efforts. In other words, just because a national report identifies a particular program as a promising practice, doesnt mean it necessarily fits within your local context. 0000036184 00000 n Territories, CSBG does not collect specific data on amounts expended on homelessness. This report explores the feasibility of developing a core set of performance measures across four HHS programs that focus on service delivery to homeless persons. A total of 491 organizations operating 780 programs have been identified, and data on these programs will be compiled in a national directory of agencies providing services that will be web accessible. trailer 0000003988 00000 n startxref Provide permanent and transitional housing subsidies at scattered sites through 15 housing programs. The targeted programs are much smaller in scope, but are designed specifically for individuals or families who are experiencing homelessness. 2003 Strategic Action PlanGoal 2: Empower our state and community partners to improve their response to people experiencing chronic homelessness. Head Start and Early Head Start are comprehensive child development programs operated by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) that serve children from birth to age five, pregnant women, and their families. 2014. As a leading provider of supportive housing in Alameda County, we have helped to significantly reduce homelessness in the region. In the 2003 Strategic Action Plan the Work Group outlined sixteen strategies to reduce chronic homelessness, one of which was to improve the transition of clients from homeless-specific programs to mainstream service providers. A cornerstone activity under this strategy has been the development and implementation of nine Homeless Policy Academies that were designed to bring together state-level program administrators and homeless service providers in order to develop state-specific action plans designed to increase access to mainstream resources for persons experiencing homelessness. We measure our progress both quantitatively and qualitatively with clear procedures for recording and tracking data. Problem: Inability to control drinking. 0000028353 00000 n 0000027650 00000 n Second, the Department has added a new goal that focuses exclusively on issues of data and measurement; specifically, the Departments ability to document progress in preventing, reducing, and ending homelessness for the HHS clientele. As a result, our overall staff retention is high with management retention greater than five years. o Identify lessons learned from the jointly funded Chronic Homeless Initiative (CHI) pilot program which allowed for pooled funds from mainstream programs and targeted homeless programs to create a collaborative and comprehensive approach to addressing the problems of homelessness. In general, phrases such as chronically homeless individuals were substituted by homeless individuals and families so as to be inclusive of families and children experiencing homelessness, while still including individuals experiencing homelessness, whether chronic or episodic. In addition to many other duties, volunteers prepare and serve 95% of the meals provided at our Sunrise Village shelter. As part of the Councils strategy to create intergovernmental partnerships to end homelessness, Governors of 53 states and territories have taken steps to create a state-level ICH, while over 280 Mayors and County Executives have initiated a ten-year planning process. Develop and advance a policy and funding agenda to end youth homelessness. will provide treatment planning services (confirming proposed interventions that are consistent with the included diagnosis and objectives) when existing goals/objectives are met and if the client's condition The project was begun in September of 1999 and data collection was concluded in September of 2006. Short-Term Prevention or Rapid Re-HousingPlan. By including the at-risk population in the Plan, the Department is acknowledging those who may be on the verge of becoming homeless and who could become the next generation of chronically homeless individuals. progress) when existing goals/objectives are met and if the client's condition changes (at a minimum, annually). Treatment Plan Goals Download Treatment planning is a team effort between the patient and the counselor. Screenings for depression for all new mothers (new this year). Abode Services - Ending Homelessness by Assisting Low-income, Un-housed People to Secure Stable, Supportive Housing in Alameda County, California. Specifically, the role of intergenerational trauma specific to the effects of colonization must be addressed to ensure adequate cultural connectedness and therefore healing for Aboriginal people. The 72-hr Initial Recovery Plan provides the basis for treatment services for the individual until the first Individualized Recovery Plan (IRP) is developed on the 15th (3) day. The homelessness-related objectives contained within it are set out below and this is supported by a detailed Action Plan that will be subject to monitoring and review. Evaluation of the Health Care for the Homeless/Community Mental Health Center Collaboration Project (ASPE & SAMHSA). The relevant programs are divided into two categories: targeted homeless assistance programs, which are specifically designed to serve individuals and families who are homeless, and mainstream programs, which are designed to meet broader goals, such as alleviating poverty or providing health care to low-income persons. The Secretarys Work Group will continue to meet regularly. The purpose of the 2007 Plan is to provide the Department with a vision for the future in the form of a formal statement that addresses how individuals, youth, and families experiencing homelessness can be better served through the coordinated administration of Departmental resources. who have a history of opioid misuse. This Interim Strategic Plan keeps the promotion, prevention, and treatment continuum at its core; and prioritizes equity, trauma-informed approaches, recovery, and a commitment to data and evidence. o Encourage states and communities to establish approaches, such as partnerships, to create a coordinated, comprehensive system of services to address homelessness, including chronic homelessness. Also, it helps the clients to measure their progress. Logic models are a useful tool that can help you do this. The formula allots funds on the basis of the population living in urbanized areas of the state, compared to the population living in urbanized areas of the entire United States, except that no state receives less than $300,000 ($50,000 for territories). Develop effective supports for youth aging out of government care. 0000174308 00000 n 0 0000086376 00000 n o Identify and promote the use of effective, evidence-based homelessness prevention interventions, such as discharge,release, or transition planning; intensive case management; access to protection orders, legal assistance and safety planning for victims of abuse; landlord mediation, and family strengthening, along with organizational and cross-organizational level strategies. Many studies have documented a large number of single homeless individuals, primarily women, who are parents but are no longer residing with their children (Burt et al 1999). 1102 58 0000016166 00000 n Recognizing the overrepresentation of Aboriginal young people that are at risk of or experiencing homelessness, the youth plan adopts the following major milestone: By 2018, Aboriginal homeless young people will not be overrepresented in the homeless population. Guidebook published in 2003. 2003 Strategic Action PlanGoal 3: Work to prevent new episodes of homelessness within the HHS clientele. Home - Office of Supportive Housing - County of Santa Clara Language should also include a requirement that provides for the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of the coordinated efforts. A policy change that took effect in September of 2006 expands the allowable uses of surplus real property to include permanent supportive housing. Approximately 1600 women and their families received services under this program. 0000003689 00000 n A therapist can help children focus on the positive friendships that they do have and encourage them to build more safe friendships. All grantees must demonstrate that all persons will have access to the full range of required primary, preventive, enabling, and supplemental health services, including oral health care, mental health care and substance abuse services, either directly on-site or through established arrangements. Ensure Calgary Homeless Foundation includes two Aboriginal positions on its board one on-reserve and one off-reserve to ensure a voice. The Ryan White CARE Act,operated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), authorizes funding for the bulk of the agencys work on HIV/AIDS. Monitor and evaluate homeless and other special needs populations in order to document needs and design assistance programs. Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant (MCHBG). o Promote joint initiatives through interagency cooperative agreements, pooled funding for special projects or evaluations of mutual interest or benefit. A new 64-unit permanent supportive housing complex currently under construction is our largest housing development to date and will house up to 140 adults and children when it is completed in May 2011. These should be action oriented and reflect both best practices and community-identified needs. We have employed a fulltime HUD Compliance Coordinator dedicated to HMIS since October 2009. Webb, David A., Culhane, Jennifer, Metraux, Stephen, Robbins, Jessica, and Culhane, Dennis. o Promote organizational development and horizontal coordination between agencies such as housing, HIV/AIDS services/prevention, mental health and substance abuse treatment and prevention, and criminal justice to provide integrated comprehensive services to prevent homelessness. o Examine how HHS agencies can synthesize, sponsor, or conduct epidemiological, intervention, and health services research on risk and protective factors for homelessness and identify preventive interventions that could be provided in health care and human services settings that are effective at preventing at-risk persons from entering a pattern of residential and personal instability that may result in homelessness. Develop a targeted landlord recruitment strategy to enhance youths access to private rental units. Specific one-year goals with outcome indicators are included in the Annual Action Plan. Each objective will need a completion date. Each updated matrix is distributed to those attending the Secretarys Work Group meetings. Public Health Reports. TANF agencies provide a range of benefits to eligible families who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless. o Review and synthesize the published and non-published literature to identify risk factors associated with chronic homelessness and protective factors that reduce the risk for chronic homelessness. ASPE is partnering with HUD and the VA to support an evaluation of the Collaborative Initiative to End Chronic Homelessness, a unique grant program funding 11 sites to develop a comprehensive and integrated community strategy to assist chronically homeless persons to move into stable housing and access a range of support services. To end Aboriginal homelessness and other housing issues while understanding cultural competencies and ensuring cultural sensitivities through collaborative community efforts and awareness of cultural identity; maintain safe and culturally appropriate housing allows for not just purchasing, but renting and maintenance as well; Expand and support existing organizations and agencies that provide housing to homeless Aboriginal youth and children; Centralize the intake system to ensure Aboriginal identification is captured and utilized; Establish Aboriginal transition/halfway houses/group homes for Aboriginal youth leaving institutions, like ILS home or Wellington House, when leaving foster care, CYOC, hospitals, etc. Such approaches include establishing an infrastructure that forges systemic relationships among providers for effective client referral and treatment, more effective leveraging of fiscal and human resources, cross-system training, and increased focus on sustainability of activities. Decent Essays. It is also important to highlight that these data development efforts are likely to be fruitless if they are not coordinated with our federal partners. For example, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) strategic plan for fiscal years 2005-2010 (http://www.hrsa.gov/about/strategicplan.htm) discusses how the agency measures its progress by monitoring a variety of performance measures that are linked to the goals and objectives set out in the strategic plan. Youth who have not reached the age of 18 years during an 18 month stay may remain in the program for an additional 180 days or until their 18th birthday, whichever comes first. Abode Services reports its progress to our investors through interim and final grant reports, annual reports, quarterly newsletters and email blasts, and personal phone calls. Case managers typically manage the entire scope of a client's treatment or service. 2001; 116: 344-352. PATH is a formula grant program operated by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to provide financial assistance to states to support services for homeless individuals who have serious mental illness or serious mental illness and substance abuse. Promising Strategies to End Youth Homelessness (ACF). Continue to enforce parkland dedication requirements, and . In most settings of clinical practice it is critical to be able to demonstrate treatment planning skills that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time specific. incorporating the goals and objectives of the treatment plan. The goals, strategies, and examples of activities are as follows: Goal 1: Prevent episodes of homelessness within thehhs clientele, including individuals and families, Strategy 1.1 Identify risk and protective factors to prevent episodes of homelessness for at-risk populations. GOAL 4: A City committed to preventing and ending homelessness. If the funding is available, effective service delivery interventions may not be applied when working with this population. o Explore state practices related to policies designed to suspend, rather than terminate, Medicaid eligibility for individuals who are institutionalized so that the eligibility process does not need to be initiated over again upon release. The goals outlined within the strategic action plan provided a course of action for the Department to follow in order to improve access to needed health and social services for individuals experiencing chronic homelessness, empower states to improve their response to individuals experiencing chronic homelessness, and to prevent future episodes of homelessness within HHS clientele. The Department is the largest grant-making agency in the federal government, and the Medicare program alone is the nation's largest health insurer (http://www.hhs.gov/about/whatwedo.html). State Protection and Advocacy Agencies (P&As). Ensure that we meet the special developmental, social, emotional and educational needs of the children and youth in our shelter and supportive housing programs. Developing Program Goals and Measurable Objectives Program goals and objectives establish criteria and standards against which you can determine program performance. Explore innovative models of peer-based support and mentorship. Furthermore, the Department has been pursuing a strategy over the past several years of increasing access to mainstream resources for eligible homeless individuals and families. The State Childrens Health Insurance Program, operated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), is a partnership between the Federal and State Governments that provides health coverage to uninsured children whose families earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but too little to afford private coverage. Strategy 4.2 Develop an approach for establishing baseline data on the number of homeless individuals and families served in HHS programs. 1998; 88(9): 1325-1329. Support services that will assist the youth in moving and adjusting to a safe and appropriate alternative living arrangement include:treatment, counseling, information and referral services, individual assessment, crisis intervention, and follow up support. Evaluation of Housing Approaches for Persons with Serious Mental Illnesses (SAMHSA). 0000134303 00000 n Services provided include primary health care, substance abuse, mental health, and oral health services; extensive outreach and engagement; extensive case management services; and assistance with accessing public benefits, housing, job training, etc. The combined total budget of the targeted homeless assistance programs is less than one percent of the combined total budget of the mainstream programs that individuals or families who are homeless may access (see Table 2). Finally, disasters are considered as an issue relevant to homelessness, given the devastation caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and the consequences to those who lost their homes and those who already were homeless before the catastrophe. Provide social services on site at housing complexes as well as for people living in subsidized apartments at scattered sits. This Advisory Committee developed recommendations of adaptations to clinical practice guidelines for homeless clients with HIV/AIDS. 0000044163 00000 n A significant body of research documents the broad array of negative health and mental health outcomes experienced by both children and their mothers in association with episodes of homelessness. There is no standard but what is key is that you have a way of differentiating between the two and ensuring that your shorter term activities feed into larger priorities. Eligible applicants are community-based public and private nonprofit entities. Introduce independent housing options for youth, including adaptations of the Housing First approach. To this end, a new strategy in the Plan specifically refers to working with state, local and tribal organizations around policies pertaining to homelessness, including addressing homelessness as a result of disasters, the needs of homeless persons before/during/and after a disaster, and ways to assist the new population of temporarily homeless persons due to a disaster. Both a process evaluation and an outcome evaluation will document the process, assess the effectiveness of the Academies, and identify lessons learned from the Policy Academy activity for the 49 states and territories who attended a chronic homeless Academy. HHS operates a wide range of programs that may be accessed by homeless families with children and runaway and homeless youth. 0000001260 00000 n Reassess the treatment plan at regular intervals and/or when indicated by changing circumstances. 0000004953 00000 n Members of the Secretarys Work Group on Ending Chronic Homelessness. The second document that was reviewed was the activities matrix developed by the Secretarys Work Group on Ending Chronic Homelessness. *Supportive housing combines rental assistance and social services and is recognized nationally as an effective solution to ending homelessness. 0000081433 00000 n Eligible activities include emergency and transitional housing and related services; substance abuse and mental health programs for homeless individuals; homeless ex-offender aftercare programs and miscellaneous other supportive homeless services. /ZRqBDi` 0000134339 00000 n This adaptation of clinical practice guidelines for homeless patients was developed by the Health Care for the Homeless Clinicians Network with support from the HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 1102 0 obj <> endobj Other issues related to the causes and consequences of family homelessness, such as a familys interaction with the child welfare or foster care systems, may be important as the dynamics of children and their parent(s) while they move through the shelter system may not be the same (Park et al 2004). 0000007351 00000 n Very often, persons experiencing homelessness may be eligible for services funded through these programs. SAMHSA funded a multi-site study of the effectiveness of services provided to homeless women and their children. Ensure accessible and affordable transportation options are available to youth to access supports and housing, particularly in rural communities. Goal: Develop skills to manage stress in a healthy way. HHS is the largest grant-making agency in the federal government and the nation's largest health insurer. o Work with HHS program agencies to ensure that the Departments disaster planning efforts address the special needs of the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and other vulnerable populations affected by disasters. Each site is in a location that is accessible to program participants. 0000081906 00000 n Once . The chapter also provides, under each strategy, a few examples of possible activities the Department could implement in order to fulfill a given strategy. Provide outreach services to connect youth with housing and support. 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Braley Family Saginaw, Michigan, Omega Engineering Tim Lloyd, Pip Moving Around Mental Health, Delano Shooting Today, Articles T