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This song is about a Brit’s dual allegiance to Britain and the kingdom of heaven. Subsequently he served in Japan, Germany (where he met the British ambassador’s daughter Florence Lascelles, whom he married in 1904), Persia, Egypt, Russia and Sweden, finally becoming British Ambassador to the United States in 1912.The poem circulated privately for a few years until it was set to music by Gustav Holst.The hymn has come in for criticism by trendy church folk. On leaving the Royal College he played in orchestras, but hated wasting the time when he could be composing.© 2014-2020 The Conservative WomanI FELT that in these troubled times a patriotic hymn would be a comfort, reminding us of what makes us proud of our country and why most of us want to keep our identity.Spring Rice immediately travelled to Canada to begin his journey back to Britain. The origin of the hymn's text is a poem by diplomat Cecil Spring Rice, written early in the 20th century, entitled Urbs Dei ("The City of God") or The Two Fatherlands. Sir Cecil Spring Rice This song was originally known as Urbs Dei (The City of God) or the Two Fatherlands standing for the Christian's loyalty to heaven and homeland.

There he died at three weeks later at the age of 58. However it remains a national favourite, being a staple of Remembrance commemorations and national occasions.Regular readers will know that I usually give several versions of a hymn, but in this case I am concentrating on just two.Holst (1874-1934) was born in Cheltenham to Adolph von Holst, a professional musician of mixed Swedish, Latvian and German ancestry, with at least one professional musician in each of the previous three generations, and his wife Clara Cox, the daughter of a respected Cirencester solicitor. It was then named Thaxted, after the Essex village where Holst lived for many years. "I Vow to Thee, My Country" is a British patriotic hymn, created in 1921, when a poem by Sir Cecil Spring Rice was set to music by Gustav Holst. Spring Rice was born into an aristocratic and influential Anglo-Irish family. No translations available + Add Translation.

Uche Jonathan suggested changes to these lyrics. He became friendly with Ralph Vaughan Williams and William Morris. History. The words of I Vow to Thee, My Country were originally a poem by Sir Cecil Spring Rice (1859-1918), a British diplomat who served as British Ambassador to the United States from 1912 to 1918, being responsible for the organisation of British efforts to end American neutrality during the First World War. Below are the lyrics …

In any case his love was composing. His father would have liked him to become a professional pianist, but Gustav had neuritis in one arm which made playing difficult.
He joined the Foreign Office as a clerk in 1882, but made an unusual move to the diplomatic service, starting with his first posting to Washington DC in 1887. In 1908, Spring Rice was posted to the British Embassy in Stockholm. He was educated at Eton and at Balliol College, Oxford.
He studied at the Royal College of Music, supporting himself by playing the trombone at seaside resorts in the summer and in London theatres in the winter. These lyrics are waiting for review. His health had not been good, but it was suggested by his family and friends that he had died of a broken heart following his removal from office. In 2004 the then Bishop of Hulme, the Right Reverend Stephen Lowe, described it as ‘heretical’ and accused it of having ‘echoes of 1930s nationalism in Germany and some of the nastier aspects of right-wing republicanism in the United States’.

... Sir Cecil Spring-rice; Last update on: July 22, 2017.

The poem described how a Christian owes his loyalties to both his homeland and the heavenly kingdom. The lyrics come from a poem by Cecil Spring-Rice that he wrote in 1908 when he was working at the British Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden.At first called Urbs Dei, or The Two Fatherlands, the poem is about how a Christian owes his loyalties to both his homeland and the Kingdom of Heaven. The origin of the hymn's text is a poem by diplomat Sir Cecil Spring Rice, written in 1908 or 1912, entitled " Urbs Dei " ("The City of God") or "The Two Fatherlands". The poem described how a Christian owes his loyalties to both his homeland and the heavenly kingdom. US politician Henry Cabot Lodge said that ‘the sudden cessation of his work and responsibilities in which his heart was bound up caused him the loss of the will to live’.It was performed as a unison song with orchestra in the early 1920s, and in 1926 Holst harmonised the tune. It’s based on a poem called “Urbs Dei” (The City of God) or “The Two Fatherlands” by Cecil Spring Rice. Lyrics for Homeland by Z. Randall Stroope, Texas All-State Women's Choir & University of Texas Orchestra.