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By default, it is hidden in Power Options, so you can enable it as described below.

Specifies the duration of inactivity before the system automatically enters sleep after waking from sleep in an unattended state. You will be navigated to your computer’s lock screen settings. Human interface devices like mouse, keyboard, fingerprint and some Bluetooth devices can also wake your PC.Often it gets woken in the middle of the night, I’m sure by M$ (It’s my unmodified base reference system) and I find it on when I wake up.Winaero greatly relies on your support. Also, make sure that the screen timeout is set as 30 minutes + for both (powered and battery).Once you have applied the registry fix, you need to change your system unattended sleep timeout to a longer period of time. The computer is running in the background but with minimum usage and the screen is turned off. A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the... 3. The description given for the policy is;

Select the first result which comes and click it. The option System Unattended Sleep Timeout is available in Windows Vista SP1 and later versions of Windows. It is possible that you have a theme installed and activated on your Windows which is causing your computer to sleep every once in a while.

Navigate to the bottom the screen and click on “ …

If this is what is causing this issue in your case, you can fix it by resetting and then re-configuring your power settings. We can try disabling it and check if the problem still persists.If all the above methods don’t work, you can try downloading third-party software like MouseJiggler etc. If there is a solution please let me know as I have a new computer and it is going to sleep every 2 min when I am reading etc. The “Prevent enabling lock screen slide show” policy setting can be used to disable the slide show feature.There is a Group Policy setting called “Specify the unattended sleep timeout” located here;The description given for the policy is;If you enable this policy setting, you must provide a value, in seconds, indicating how much idle time should elapse before Windows automatically transitions to sleep when left unattended. If you specify 0 seconds, Windows does not automatically transition to sleep.What I want to know is how on earth the system determines when it’s unattended. Improper configuration of this setting might cause discrepancies and hence, cause the problem. You can add or remove it from Power Options using either a Registry tweak or powercfg. If you enable this policy setting, you must provide a value, …

There are two different ways to customize this feature:Note: One can apply copy-paste operation or type it manually followed by the Enter tab to proceed.Here are the guidelines to customize unattended sleep timeout on Windows 10 easily by following these instructions:The system unattended sleep timeout is the time that a system takes before going to the state of sleep mode or hibernation in the unattended state. To Add "System unattended sleep timeout" to Power Options

This program fakes mouse movements every minute or so which triggers the action from the user; this activity makes the system believe that a user is moving the mouse; hence your computer doesn’t go into sleep mode.If your Windows is updated to the latest version, you might not find the settings of the screensaver in the default location as in the past.