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Actually, I hate travelling. Real Time. You really came through, proving what it means to be a "team player." The extra effort you put in was really appreciated.For example, if a hiring manager is going to make a decision right after your interview, you might want to email them for the sake of time.

hypen after "co" [co-operation / cooperation] - English Only forum I am looking forward to our cooperation. This reference is perfect to know the own level. When I start conversation with someone in English, always feel that my mind is blank and not able to express what I decided. The response was almost immediate! If someone has gone out of their way to help you, thank them! "appreciate" という単語、耳にしたことはありますか? 「感謝する」を表す、"Thank you" よりも少しフォーマルな表現としてご存知の方も多いと思いますが、実は使う際にちょっと注意したいポイントがいくつかあるんです。 今回は、使えると表現の幅が広がる "appreciate" I am very appreciative of your assistance, and I … Keep going 🌹I imagine you are around B1 (from your writing). Your help has been invaluable; I don't know how I would have managed without your help and support. I believe that it’s very interesting learn differents languages, including English. But I’m not used talking english a lot, that’ why I’m not sure about my pronunciation.B2 for reading, but surely a lower level for listening. I find this service amazing!"“Oooh! Please stay in touch ! Well, I consider of my english as B2 level because I can understand you something about 98% in any videos you’ve shared by now. That is because I do not have enough opportunity to speak with people who know English good enough. For example, if you want to speak like Brad Pitt, watch interviews and copy the way he speaks. It is not recommended to use the verb "to love" in continues tense. I think I have a C2 level according to test i’ve done before almost 1 monthMy currently level is B1, I guess. Thanks in advance for your considerations and cooperation.Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 4:41 AM -0400 from Disqus :You’re welcome. haha. and I suppose that my knowledge of English it’s very high, in fact, according to me, I think that my level of skills in this awesome language it’s c2 because of my grade of speaking, writing, listening and at last but not least reading it’s too fantastic.To take an example i could communicate with other people as the same easy way of my native language and this is a wonderful thing. My level is a2, how much time do you expect for me to get speak english well!I consider myself as a Intermediate learner. We couldn't have done it without your expert services. I would want to know if you have a practical way to know our own level. In fact, the business management expert at Ask a Manager advises sending email thank-you notes instead of handwritten ones after job interviews and other business-related correspondences.. I’m not happy nor sad.