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It provided us with a flexible, scalable and innovative remote simultaneous interpretation solution for 9 languages.When staging a large conference, there’s no need for booths or interpreters on-site if you use our platform. Interprefy provides technical support remotely or on-site before and during all events.In early 2020 – amidst the COVID-19 outbreak – we had to host an online event for more than 250 participants in 6 languages. 2 - Read text Automatic spoken interpretation into the desired language. The use of a headset avoids echoing issues. The Interprefy remote interpretation platform and associated services are designed for events of any format and size. With Interprefy, our speakers were able to work from their homes using their own WiFi and headsets – no specialist equipment or technical support required!Alternatively, our experienced training team can train your preferred interpreters to use our remote simultaneous interpretation platform.Loved by corporates, educational institutions, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and international conglomerates, Interprefy is the go-to remote interpretation solution for events. To find out what else you should be considering when evaluating RSI providers, download our latest eBook.We were very impressed with the professionalism of the Interprefy team, the speed of delivery and the quality of the interpreters.Whether you need help setting up on-site interpreting equipment, such as transmitters and booths, help with event preparation and booking of interpreters, or remote support, we work closely with event agencies, PCOs and venues to deliver cost-effective options for you.We work hand-in-hand with professional conference organisers, language service providers and venues to ensure your requirements are met every step of the way.Enjoy a Swiss solution that provides crystal-clear audio and high-definition video streaming, encrypted to the highest security standards.We offer different options for conferences, press conferences, meetings, video conferences, seminars and panel discussions. 

Bluestacks software is even available for Mac OS as well. As events move further into the digital space, organisers have a responsibility to cater for the wider audience they could expect to see attending.Interprefy is intuitive to use and offers highest flexibility to work with your preferred video conferencing platforms Zoom, Webex, ON24 & more. As it is designed for Gaming purposes, you can play high-end games like PUBG, Mini Militia, Temple Run, etc. Other supported browsers and App, Firefox, Interprefy desktop App Tablet and mobile devices: not supported. Utilise cloud-based technology to ensure your events can go ahead online and be scaled to support any number of delegates.The functionality and procedures were simple, impressive and cost-effective. Interprefy is the world’s leading cloud-based remote simultaneous interpretation platform that enables interpreters to work from anywhere, anytime. Just download our app and go. We work with established language service providers and can help you to find the interpreters you are looking for.What should you be looking for when selecting an online event provider?