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Pacific children were four times more likely to have four or more dental caries at their first community dental appointment, while Asian and Māori children were twice as likely to have four or more dental caries at their first appointment.The study authors note that behaviours associated with fewer dental caries included brushing teeth more regularly, parental help with tooth brushing and brushing teeth after a snack or a drink.Thornley said it was positive to learn that three-quarters of all the children studied had no dental caries at their first community dental appointment.The research looked at the dental records from the first community dental appointment for more than 4000 children in the Growing Up in New Zealand study.It identified that more frequent intake of foods such as white bread, fruit juice, refined breakfast cereals, confectionery, sugar-sweetened soft drinks and noodles was associated with a greater number of tooth decay.Lead author on the study, University of Auckland public health physician, Dr Simon Thornley, said diet was found to have the strongest link with the likelihood of dental cavities.A paediatric dentist at Starship Children’s Hospital, Dr Katie Bach, said thousands of children faced hospital treatment every year because of tooth decay.The study, announced on Saturday, was done by University of Auckland and Starship Children’s Hospital examining information collected by the country’s largest longitudinal study of child development, Growing Up in New Zealand.The study, funded by the Starship Foundation is part of ongoing efforts to improve children’s dental health and prevent early childhood dental caries.“The key culprits were foods that were high in sugar and high in refined starches.

wheatとは。意味や和訳。[名]U1 小麦;《植物》コムギshredded wheat朝食用シリアルspring [winter] wheat春[冬]まき小麦2 穀粒wheatの慣用句・イディオムseparate [sort out] the wheat from the chaff((比喩的に))価値あるもの[人]を峻別する - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞 … 2.1 トムヤムクンまぜそばのカロリーや成分は? 1.1 コク旨油そばのカロリーや成分は? 1.2 コク旨油そばはおいしい?まずい? 1.3 【個人的感想】 2 パクチー香るトムヤムクンまぜそば レビュー. ** All-in NOODLESを鍋で4分間茹で調理した後の麺とほぐしオイルを合わせた栄養素の値 (参考値) です。 調理の一例 一般的に、食品に含まれる栄養素は長期保存や、茹でる調理過程において失われてしまうと言われています。