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However, this does not detract from the quality and I highly recommend it for fans of the series.If this book wasn’t for you, who do you think might enjoy it more?pacing poor. My only concern is that it is very short in comparison to the books, pretty much just a summary of events with some skipped. I'm still not quite sure what happened altogether But it passed a couple of hours.Was this a book you wanted to listen to all in one sitting?While you could enjoy this in one sitting, it matters not for you will enjoy it nonetheless.Ged is a boy from the island of Gont, born with innate magical talent and a reckless nature, who tampers with long-held secrets and releases a terrible shadow into the world.

With a life changing, perception shattering parable in the first chapters. What has been done is fabulous.

ちなみに第一作『影との戦い』の原題は、"A Wizard of Earthsea"で「ゲド戦記」というシリーズ名は日本独自のものです。 「アースシーの五つの物語」という副題からも分かるように、この『ドラゴンフライ』は、「ゲド戦記」シリーズで唯一の短編集。 Personally I struggled with a problem my whole life, and the story took that burden from me in one breath. I loved the sound of the magic and the dragons voices but I did feel that it was too episodic. the second thing that I find it very irritating when British regional accents are given to characters from fantasy novels. 影との戦い A Wizard of Earthsea (1968年) こわれた腕輪 The Tombs of Atuan (1971年) さいはての島へ The Farthest Shore (1972年) 帰還 - 最後の書 Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea (1990年) アースシーの風 The Other Wind (2001年) ゲド戦記外伝 Tales from Earthsea (2001年) - 短編集 Despite some (heartbreaking) cuts of content, I felt they got to the soul of the books and the simplicity of the last few lines was beautiful.I know this is a well known, liked, and respected book. narrative not straight foward enough. Maybe l just need to try a different version or actually read it myself30日間の無料体験後は月額1,500円。いつでも退会できます。What made the experience of listening to Earthsea the most enjoyable? Yes the books themselves are huge and you cannot fit everything into 6 half hour chunks. Otherwise it’s a bit hard to follow.Set on a vast archipelago of islands, where magic is a central part of life, Earthsea tells the intertwined stories of Ged and Tenar.What character would you cut from Earthsea?What didn’t you like about Toby Jones’s performance?Deep within the Tombs, Ged and Tenar encounter one another and seek a way of bringing peace to the troubled archipelago.Wonderful story. ŠX‚É‚ÍŽÔ‚â–ì—ÇŒ¢AX‚É‚Í–³”‚̐l‚Ì‘«‚Æ‚¢‚Á‚½ŠëŒ¯‚ª‚ ‚èAŠÂ‹«‚Í“ú‘‚µ‚Ɉ«‚­‚È‚éˆê•ûB However it's such an enjoyable experience.What did you like most about Earthsea?While I had not previously heard Toby Jones perform, I will be looking for more of his works.It is a well-done adaptation. 5 Stars out of 5What did you like best about this story?I just got confused about who was who, the plot, the characters.....just lost it.

I'd just choose a more 'straight' version where l might just follow the text.Hard to say, didn't really get any of themAs other have said, it is slightly confusing and tricky to follow. lacks the punch of the bbc's previous Earthsea adaptation.Have you listened to any of Toby Jones’s other performances before? Ursula K. Le Guin『A Wizard of Earthsea: The First Book of Earthsea』の感想・レビュー一覧です。ネタバレを含む感想・レビューは、ネタバレフィルターがあるので安心。読書メーターに投稿された約2件 の感想・レビューで本の評判を確認、読書記録を管理することもできます。 あらすじ・解説 ... Earthsea series have sold millions of copies and been translated into 16 languages, and this epic dramatisation of 'A Wizard of Earthsea', 'The Tombs of Atuan' and 'The Farthest Shore' will take you deep into a rich fantasy world of sorcery, wizards and dragons.

【A Wizard of Earthsea】邦題:影との戦い SSS書評はここ レベル8、推定語彙レベル3000語、総語数67,000、総計8,462,214語、読書時間5時間 (あらすじ) ゲド戦記第1巻です。少年ゲドが魔法使いの修行をします。長い物語の引き金となる事件が起こります。
Toby Jones actually plays the part of Cob in the part of this dramatization relating to The Farthest Shore. How does this one compare?It's a very well told, well acted and superbly produced rendition of this classic series of books from master writer Le Guin.

highly abridged. I just miss the huge scope of the written version.that's the first thing. I'm originally from the north of England and am sure Ged didn't come me from there. A Wizard of Earthsea : Warriors In the Mist 2004-11-20 22:47:17 | ゲド戦記・Le Guin 今回は,翻訳版は持ってないし,映画はないし,読み聞かせしてくれるネイティブ・スピーカーもいません。 The performance was wonderful, Master Hawk is very meditative to listen to.Would you ever listen to anything by Ursula le Guin again?Yes, very much. The voices were lovely; I could hear the affection between Ged and Tenar. Also tell the story in a straight line, anyone who hasn't read the books will get no sense of chronology from this.It's a great audiobook for people who are already familiar with the Earthsea material, simply because there are less explanatory passages and more action. I wish it was a straight read of the book.I remember reading all the books years ago. a wizard of earthsea: シリーズ名: ゲド戦記(1) シリーズ原題: earthsea books: 訳者: 清水 真砂子: 発行所: 岩波書店: isbn: 4-00-110684-1: 評価: ★★★★★: 書評: 古の言葉が魔法の力を持ち、竜も未だ伝説に埋もれぬ多島世界アースシー。 Meanwhile, Tenar, a girl from the island of Atuan, is taken from her home and family to become Arha, the Priestess Ever Reborn, guardian of the ominous Tombs of Atuan.A BBC Radio full-cast dramatisation, based on the first three books in Ursula Le Guin's best-selling Earthsea cycle.really good story superb voice acting really worth a listen.