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Churchill Downs Entries and Churchill Downs Results updated live for all 10 races scheduled at Churchill Downs on Sunday, May, 24, 2020. Historical race results for Churchill Downs Racecourse. The length of the stretch from the head of the lane to the finish line is 1,234.5 feet.Since their construction in 1894-95, the Twin Spires of Churchill Downs have stood watch over the famous racetrack as the home of the Kentucky Derby.The late legendary Los Angeles Times columnist Jim Murray once penned: “Thehomestretch is 1,234 feet of heartbreak. Churchill Downs Meriwether Lewis Clark Jr. opened Churchill Downs in then-rural Louisville in 1875. Trainers swear it’s uphill.”Bets are accepted in accordance with the bookmaker's rules and terms and conditionsThe 2018 Kentucky Derby marks the 122nd consecutive year that the race has been carded at the classic distance of 10 furlongs.

Since then it has hosted America's longest-held sporting event, the Kentucky Derby, the Kentucky Oaks, and the Clark Handicap each year. The Spires now serve as an icon for all of Thoroughbred racing.The distance is the equivalent to 2,011.68 meters, 2,200 yards, 6,600 feet or 79,200 inches. Daily Double / Exacta / Trifecta / Superfecta / Pick 3 (Races 6-7-8) Pick 5 (6-7-8-9-10)Daily Double / Exacta / Trifecta / Superfecta / Pick 3 (Races 2-3-4) Pick 4 (Races 2-3-4-5)Daily Double / Exacta / Trifecta / Superfecta / Pick 3 (Races 3-4-5)Daily Double / Exacta / Trifecta / Superfecta / Pick 3 (Races 5-6-7) $.20 Single 6 JackpotDaily Double / Exacta / Trifecta / Superfecta / Pick 3 (Races 8-9-10)Daily Double / Exacta / Trifecta / Superfecta / Pick 3 (Races 7-8-9) Pick 4 (Races 7-8-9-10)Exacta / Trifecta / Superfecta / Super Hi-5Daily Double / Exacta / Trifecta / Superfecta / Pick 3 (Races 1-2-3) Pick 5 (Races 1-5)Daily Double / Exacta / Trifecta / SuperfectaDaily Double / Exacta / Trifecta / Superfecta / Pick 3 (Races 4-5-6) Pick 4 (Races 4-5-6-7) The distance waschanged in 1896.Over the years, they have become one of the most recognized structures in all of sports. Find everything you need to know about horse racing at Equibase.com. Welcome to Equibase.com, your official source for horse racing results, mobile racing data, statistics as well as all other horse racing and thoroughbred racing information. For its first 21 runnings from 1875-95, the race was contested over 12 furlongs miles.

Known as the home of the Kentucky Derby and the Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs Racetrack conducts Thoroughbred horse racing in Louisville, Kentucky, during three race meets in the Spring, September, and the Fall. Toteboard and replays, handicapping, wagering, simulcast schedule and Thoroughbred horse racing news at Churchill Downs Racetrack. Get an ultimate horse racing results and Churchill Downs 2018 information resource now! Horse Racing 24 service offers live Churchill Downs 2018 results. Designed by 24-year-old Joseph D. Baldez, the Twin Spires were created basically for ornamental purposes as part of the grandstand.

Churchill Downs raceourse details including upcoming races, full results, top winners, course maps, statistics and tickets. Brought to you by the Racing Post.