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“It’s important for our customers to have hands on access to integrated systems,” the general manager of the business explains, “so they can conveniently evaluate the most appropriate solution for their application.”When it comes to driving sales, a demonstration van might be your best marketing vehicle. get this show on the road 意味, 定義, get this show on the road は何か: infml to begin an activity that you have planned, esp. The managers who express this idea in our simulated competitive games aren’t thinking of some simple shelving-units-on-wheels format – the kind of oversized salesman’s bag that’s been hauled out to prospects for decades.

by ; Leonard M. Fuld; October 21, 2013 ... Providing education on the broader problem the customer is trying to solve gives the vendor a chance to show …

a trip: . パーティーや、バーを去る前の最後の一杯. もっと見る : 飲酒運転は命取りになる。 〔... - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。 Watch CBS News videos, view pictures, read world news features, reporters blogs, and more. ところで、怖いのはこの語源・・・ The Phrase Finderによると、 One industrial producer of state-of-the-art equipment packs its big mobile units with collapsible exhibits which it can set up quickly at construction sites.The beauty of these vans, and the reason I believe they’ve been dreamt up by managers in very different businesses, is that they perform a wide variety of marketing functions. First, they show the product in the best light, in the hands of an expert user. Take Your Show on the Road. And sometimes the experience they bring isn’t even contained within the trailer. I see it as a quietly effective strategy that has been rolling along, largely under the radar.  It isn’t the version of “mobile marketing” that is all the rage now in business press – but it might be the best way you’ll find to drive sales.I should note, by the way, that the word “van” doesn’t do these vehicles justice – some are as large as 18-wheelers. それはともかく One for the roadを辞書で引くと・・・ 《SPOKEN》a last alcoholic drink before you leave a party, bar etc. They’re envisioning well-designed, self-contained environments, tricked-out with the latest high-tech, high-touch technology.So if you’re in a B2B business – and perhaps even if it’s B2C – spend some time thinking about an idea that keeps coming up in competitive simulation exercises. on the road 路上で、道路に出て・A drunk driver on the road is lethal. The idea is as simple as this: why not have a mobile demonstration van for products, to take a fully-equipped, immersive selling experience to customers’ own sites? A food company, for example, outfits vehicles with entire kitchens to demonstrate the most effective and creative ways to use its specialty food ingredients in food service operations.So I’ve been especially impressed that one such idea has come up repeatedly in separate games we’ve staged recently.  It has made me think I should consider it more closely, and share it more broadly.Just as important, the product is not presented as an isolated thing, but as part of an integrated system that solves a problem. These are some of the smartest, most efficient vehicles in their respective classes.Many of our top picks share their bones with passenger cars, but often pack all-wheel drive and more cargo room.Volvo's EV off-shoot delivers its first fully electric model, and with Google infotainment and great on-road manners, it's a promising look at Polestars to come.Get plenty of passenger and cargo room without losing safety and fuel economy.These vehicles offer similar convenience and driving tech as the big executive rollers.Here's all the meaty bits you need to know about Ford's amazing new Jeep Wrangler fighter.Love cars? Climb in the driver's seat for the latest in reviews, advice and picks. Visit 'On The Road' with Steve Hartman for recaps from the ongoing CBS Evening News series.

『路上』(ろじょう、原題:On the Road)とはジャック・ケルアックの小説。作者が自らの放浪体験を元に書き上げた自伝的内容の小説である。1951年4月に3週間で書かれ、1957年にヴァイキングプレスか … The Tyco vans, for example, also feature building management products from other companies to show how the cameras and so forth connect seamlessly with them. on the road 意味, 定義, on the road は何か: traveling to different places: .

roadshow → road-show - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。 語学学習のアルクのサイトがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書『英辞郎 on the WEB』。 もっと見る 2020-07-25 05:38:16 新動画「青山繁晴チャンネル☆ぼくらの国会」の初回、生放送まであと2日 2020-07-24 20:48:55 国会議員は酒で失敗していいか ( 改題し、追記しました )