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We still need to have a servants heart, but it needs to start at home and home/family needs to be the priority. I also have been having a severe “Get yourself healthy” talk with myself.. and this reiterated that to me. Thank you for everything you have done for me. And though we’ve both already heard it, we both need to hear it again. I know I’m not the originator of the idea.
I know I’m not the originator of the idea. I do most of my work when my kids/husband are at school/work so I can enjoy them when they get home.Also be advised that some of these advertising partners may use cookies and web beacons on our site (when you click through).
You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest.
You are AAI to me because, besides everything else you are Always Amazing & Irreplaceable. Before we know it they will be grown and gone. This was such a sweet, simple post. I love my kids! I needed to hear this.
Psalm 139:1-18 (TLB).
Someone else can clean.
The song was written by Shaffer "Ne-Yo" Smith, Tor Erik Hermansen, Mikkel, S. Eriksen, Espen Lind, Amund Bjørklund, Beyoncé and produced by Stargate and Beyoncé.
It is so hard when the “to-do” list does not get done, but I have to remember the things that are truly important!You’ve probably heard it before. I know I do.I believe you can get great meals on the table -- and still keep that pretty smile on your face.Thanks for encouraging Mom’s to be Mom’s!On the Road to Joyful MotherhoodYou are such a great encouragement to me.Thank you for this wonderfull blog.I completely agree.
It brings tears to my eyes to really think about how special and precious it truly is.
To whoever loves you, it means that there is no substitute for you in the entire universe.
We spent so much time together but now, Now I only ever see you on twitter and it's fucking annoying! I feel as if I’m running in different directions and before I know it, the day is over and I missed out on the important things (holding the kids, reading to them, talking to them, finding out what they are really liking, backyard family (minus mom) baseball/kickball.) "But there are some things that cannot be delegated. AJ: Come back to me Mina. You're Irreplaceable in my soul Yeah I miss you most of these days At moon-rising, sun-downing But the pain comes in these waves And tonight I'm drowning You're Irreplaceable to me Inerasable and I see We are breakable when we fall You're Irreplaceable in my soul The sun will rise and morning breaks As the world awakes without you Without you I love being our children’s teacher and spending my days with them.
You know when I sit or stand. You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices.Please note that the advertisements posted here do not necessarily represent Jessica Fisher’s views and opinions.Thanks for the reminder. You told me you wished you'd seen the signs sooner, how you should have been a better mother, and then you told me something I think I'll carry forever. Mina: You are never alone. "Irreplaceable" is a song recorded by American singer Beyoncé for her second studio album, B'Day (2006).
A great fear of modern workers is that robots will replace them one day, but someone (or something) who can work better, faster, or more efficiently isn’t what employers are looking for at all. Someone else can even take them to Disneyland.Great reminder! I am irreplaceable. Happy #MothersDay Aai. Remember that each mother's path looks a little different.